Here, let me tip you! + @MyFriend #TipWithXumm
+AMOUNT CURRENCY @recipients #tipwithxumm
This is a basic tip request: +1 XRP @MyFriend #tipwithxumm
Send the same amount to multiple users: +1 XRP @MyFriend @MyOtherFriend @MyBestFriend #tipwithxumm
Send an amount to someone, and a different amount to someone else: +2 XRP @MyFriend +8 XRP @MyBestFriend #tipwithxumm
To send an amount in reply to a tweet, just reply to it. No need to mention the user handle: +200 CSC #tipwithxumm
Use a specific valid hashtag to send certain currencies: +1000 @MyFriend #TipCSC
You can swap the order of mentions & tip amounts: @MyFriend +1 XRP #tipwithxumm
You can add message text between the components of the tip syntax: @MyFriend Thanks for your help! +1 XRP #tipwithxumm
You can tag other users you don't want to include in your tip: These users will not receive a tip... @MyFriend @MyOtherFriend ...but any specified nearer the hashtag will be included for tipping, like this... @MyBestFriend +1 XRP #tipwithxumm
You can tip first, then mention other (non-tipped) users later: Here, have this tip! +10 XRP @MyFriend #tipwithxumm Now you can talk to @MyBestFriend with the rest of the message like this, outside the scope of the tip.